Home Again, Home Again...

If you have been following the recent posts, you know that Pura and I are engaged. We finished our eternity-long visit with my family and are finally home again. We're happy to be home. Pura has already started laundry and is breaking out the mop and vaccuum (even though she did that the day before we left.) I offered to help, but she just gave me a skeptical look that in sub-speak means "go away." Then she sweetly suggested I update the blog. I am watching her now as she ties her hair up in a bandana and is starting the mop on the kitchen floor. Her little ring keeps catching the light from the windows and winking at me.

Marriage is the last thing I would have expected for my life. I have never thought about it seriously. Possibly because marriage is stated as a union between a man and a woman, and I could not imagine that ever appealing to me. But there is something very satisfying in the idea that Pura will be mine forever, by vows in front of an assembly, and even by law when the law finally acknowledges our rights.

I don't really need marriage since Pura has already offered herself to me, heart and soul, but she deserves it. This marriage will be the monogomy she has always wanted but never dared ask for. It's funny really, because I am by far the most monogomous person I know. It would never have occured to me to take on another lover. But it was not within Pura's ability to ask me not to. I did not know that before. We just talked about it a couple nights ago. It's funny, really. As well as I think I know this girl, she always can surprise me.

For instance, you may know I threw our Lexan paddle away. What you don't know is that Pura fished it out, washed it, and had it mounted in a shadowbox that she hung in our room. I was mortified when I saw it there.

"What is that?" I demanded.

She looked perplexed. "It's the Lexan you threw away."

I glared at her and clarified. "I know what it is. What is it doing up there?" I pointed at the thing.

Pura smiled. "Mistress, that paddle will always mean the world to me because it restored me to your good graces, and it was only ever used in love. Now, I knew it would displease you very much if I returned it to the closet, so I came up with an alternate use for it. I wrote my principles on it in permanent marker, and now it will be a framed reminder for me. I love it."

I hated it, but when she smiles like that, well...

Anyway, she always surprises me with pieces of herself I never knew.

Now, the real business:
Every marriage I have ever known has ended in disaster. I don't want to lose Pura now when I am vowing to love and care for her forever. I hope your greater experience can help me.

What does marriage mean to you, readers?
If you are married, what drew you to the point to become so?
If you are not married, is it something you have considered for yourself? Why or why not?


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